Lab members are in black, * = equal contribution, # = corresponding author

Original research papers

Zaupa M., Nagaraj N., Sylenko A., Baier H., Sawamiphak S., Filosa A.#
The Calmodulin-interacting peptide Pcp4a regulates feeding state-dependent behavioral choice in zebrafish
Neuron, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.Neuron.2024.01.001
Apaydin O., Altaikyzy A., Filosa A., Sawamiphak S.#
Alpha-1 adrenergic signaling drives cardiac regeneration via extracellular matrix remodeling transcriptional program in zebrafish macrophages
Developmental Cell, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.09.011
Apaydin D.C., Zakarauskas-Seth B.I., Carnevale L., Apaydin O., Perrotta M., Carnevale R., Paraskevi Kotini M., Kotlar-Goldaper I., Belting H-G., Carnevale D.*, Filosa A.,* Sawamiphak S.#
Interferon-gamma drives macrophage reprogramming, cerebrovascular remodeling, and cognitive dysfunction in a zebrafish and a mouse model of ion imbalance and pressure overload
Cardiovascular Research, 2023, 119 (5), 1234-1249
Corradi L., Zaupa M., Sawamiphak s., Filosa A.#
Using pERK immunostaining to quantify neuronal activity induced by stress in zebrafish larvae
STAR Protocols, 2022, 3, 101731.
Corradi L., Bruzzone M., Dal Maschio M., Sawamiphak s., Filosa A.#
Hypothalamic Galanin-producing neurons regulate stress in zebrafish through a peptidergic, self-inhibitory loop
Current Biology, 2022, 32(7):1497-1510.e5
Apaydin D.C, Morocho jaramillo P.A., Corradi L., cosco f., rathjen f.g., Kammertoens t., Filosa A.*, Sawamiphak s.*#
Early-Life Stress Regulates Cardiac development through an Il-4-Glucocorticoid Signaling Balance
Cell Reports, 2020, 33: 108404
Bonnin E., Cabochette P., Filosa A., Juhlen R., Komatsuzaki S., Hezwani M., Dickmanns A., Martinelli V., Vermeersch M., Supply L., Martins N., Pirenne L., Ravenscroft G., Lombard M., Port S., Spillner C., Janssens S., Roets E., Van Dorpe J., Lammens M., Kehlenbach R.H., Ficner R., Laing N., Hoffmann K., Vanhollebeke B., Fahrenkrog B.
Biallelic mutations in nucleoporin NUP88 cause lethal fetal akinesia deformation sequence
PLOS Genetics, 2018,
Sawamiphak S.#, Kontarakis Z., Filosa A., Reischauer S., Stainier D.Y.R.#
Transient cardiomyocyte fusion regulates cardiac development in zebrafish
Nature Communications, 2017, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01555-8
Förster D., Arnold-Ammer I., Laurell E., Barker A., Fernandes A.M., Finger-Baier K., Filosa A., Helmbrecht T., Kölsch Y., Kühn E., Robles E., Slanchev K., Thiele T., Baier H., Kubo F.
Genetic targeting and anatomical registration of neuronal populations in the zebrafish brain with a new set of BAC transgenic tools
Scientific Reports, 2017, 12;7(1):5230. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04657-x.
Filosa A., Barker A.J., Dal Maschio M., Baier H.
Feeding State Modulates Behavioral Choice and Processing of Prey Stimuli in the Zebrafish Tectum
Neuron, 2016, 90(3), 596-608
Sawamiphak S.#, Kontarakis Z., Stainier D.Y.R.#
Interferon gamma signaling positively regulates hematopoietic stem cell emergence
Developmental Cell, 2014, 31(5): 640-53.
Robles E., Filosa A., Baier H.
Precise lamination of retinal axons generates multiple parallel input pathways in the tectum
Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33(11):5027–5039
Akerboom J., Chen T.W., Wardill T.J., Tian L., Marvin J.S., Mutlu S., Carreras Calderon N., Esposti F., Borghuis B.G., Sun X.R., Gordus A., Orger M.B., Portugues R., Engert F., Macklin J.J., Filosa A., Aggarwal A., Kerr R.A., Takagi R., Kracun S., Shigetomi E., Khakh B.S., Baier H., Lagnado L., Wang S.S-H., Bargmann C.I., Kimmel B.E., Jayaraman V., Svoboda K., Kim D.S., Schreiter E.R., Looger L.L.
Optimization of a GCaMP Calcium Indicator for Neural Activity Imaging
Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32(40):13819-13840
Sawamiphak S., Ritter T., Acker-Palmer A.
Preparation of retinal explant cultures to study ex vivo tip endothelial cell responses
Nature Protocols, 2010, 5(10): 1659-65.
Sawamiphak S., Seidel S., Essmann C.L., Wilkinson G.A., Pitulescu M., Acker T., Acker-Palmer A.
EphrinB2 regulates VEGFR2 function in developmental and tumour angiogenesis
Nature, 2010, 465(7297):487-91.
Filosa A.*, Paixão S.*, Honsek S.D., Carmona M.A., Becker L., Feddersen B., Gaitanos L., Rudhard Y., Schoepfer R., Klopstock T., Kullander K., Rose C.R., Pasquale E.B., Klein R.
Neuron-glia communication via EphA4/ephrinA3 modulates LTP through glial glutamate transport
Nature Neuroscience, 2009, 12, 1285-1292
Wegmeyer H., Egea J., Rabe N., Gezelius H., Filosa A., Enjin A., Veroqueaux F., Deininger K., Schnuetgen F., Brose N., Klein R., Kullander K., Betz A.
EphA4-dependent axon guidance is mediated by the RacGAP a2-chimaerin
Neuron 55, 2007, 756-767.
Armentano M., Filosa A., Andolfi G., Studer M.
COUP-TFI is required for the formation of commissural projections in the forebrain by regulating axonal growth
Development, 2006, 133, 4151-4162
Sawamiphak S., Sophasan S., Endou H., Boonchird C.
Functional expression of the rat organic anion transporter 1 (rOAT1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biochim Biophys Acta, 2005, 1720(1-2): 44-51
Studer M., Filosa A., Rubenstein J.L.R.
The nuclear receptor COUP-TFI represses differentiation of Cajal-Retzius cells
Brain Research Bulletin, 2005, 66, 394-401
Tripodi M.*, Filosa A.*, Armentano M., Studer M.
The COUP-TF nuclear receptors regulate cell migration in the mammalian basal forebrain
Development, 2004, 131, 6119-6129

Reviews and Commentaries

Zakarauskas-Seth B.I., Sawamiphak S.#
The significant impact of experimental variables on the gut microbiome
Cardiovascular Research, 2024, 120(10), 1100-1101
Heart development and regeneration—a multi-organ effort
The FEBS Journal, 2021, doi: 10.1111/febs.16319
CORRADI L., Filosa A.#
Neuromodulation and behavioral flexibility in larval zebrafish: from neurotransmitters to circuits
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.718951
Sawamiphak S.# and Stainier D.Y.R.#
Developmental biology: It takes muscle to make blood cells
Nature, 2014, 512(7514): 257-8.

Book chapters

Filosa A. and Klein R.
Ephrins and Eph receptors – Synaptogenesis and Synaptic Function
In: Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience: Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections (Rakic P. and Rubenstein J.L.R., ed) Elsevier, 2013, 659-670
Sawamiphak S., Bethani I., Ritter T., Acker-Palmer A.
Ex vivo retina explant cultures to study angiogenic responses
In: The Textbook of Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis: Methods and Appplications. Eds. Zudaire E, Cuttitta F; Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, 169-180.